Settimana per la salvaguardia dei migranti


madridRespect the rights of all:

No human being is illegal

Program for the 10th of December

h 11,30 -12,00

Staging of a wedding

Staging of an eviction

h.12,00 – 14,00

Forum of Human Rights at Puerta del Sol, with working groups managed by community and barrios popular assemblies, commissions or other organisations. Each working group in the Forum will reflect on some of the 30 rights, developing workshops and activities.

  1. art 28 international politics working group, SOL
  2. art 31 the right that has yet to be written, international extension commission, SOL

Groups will analyse the situation of discrimination suffered by the migrant population

4. Right to life, freedom and safety: art 3, 5, 6,9,10,11

5. Right to free circulation: art 13 y 14

6. Right to work: art 23

7. Right to have a life-project: art 12,16, 18

8. art 13, `plataforma plurinacional

9. art 23 and 25, Social Commission, Sol

The work of the groups will be focussed on analysing the rights chosen, who violates them and how, where, who are those affected and which are the proposals to redress this.

Each groups will need to summarises on a placard (to the front the text of the article, to the back how it is violated, where, who is affected and who violates and, if they have emerged, alternative proposals)

h 17.00 Music show with various choirs

h 17,30 Assembly to share the work done Puerta del Sol. The working groups will communicate via spokes persons the conclusions reached by the group. The work will be visible on the placards.

Program between the 10th and18th:

talks and actions in the ‘barrios’

Program for the 18th

18th of December: Day of global action against racism and for the rights of migrants, refugees and displaced people

h. 12:00 concentrate in Sol, where there will be a performance of CIEs (spanish detention centers)

Realisation of the performance of CIE: the people who will take part will be invited to take place around the horse in Sol, and they will take positions which symbolise the discriminatory attitude of police raids. The police locks people in a CIE. The people can wear masks of different colours. In the CIE we will show what will happen at the end: the CIE will be destroyed and the people will get out to take part to the march.

We will continue with a march to the Ministry of Interior, passing through Cibeles

Once opposite the Ministry, the proposal is to draw empty silhouettes, which will represent the people that cannot stay, cannot demonstrate, or who have disappeared because of the immigration laws, of the repression, etc. (with chalk, paper stuck to the ground, etc.)

This proposal is to be shared at a national and international level

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Trasmissione sulla Manifattura Tabacchi

Mar Nov 29 , 2011
Stasera alle ore 20.00 sarà possibile ascoltare il RedAzionale sulla questione della Manifattura Tabacchi e sulla speculazione edilizia che si sta approntando. Interverranno l’avv. Bruno Todisco per il Malc e Flora Calvanese per l’associazione Rosa di Gerico.

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