Proposte di azioni da Blockupy Frankfurt


trasporti pubbliciProposals

for the international meetings

Agora99 in Madrid and Firenze 10+10


On October 21st several hundred activists gathered in Frankfurt for an open Blockupy meeting. They agreed on a short closing statement:


„Blockupy 2012 did interrupt the operations of the banking metropolis. The European crisis command continues.

The organizing individuals and groups of Blockupy 2012 came together in Frankfurt und have decided to send a strong signal of civil disobedience again in Frankfurt am Main in spring 2013. How and when this will happen in particular will be decided by the coming assemblies of the many.

Blockupy is one actor in the European crisis protests, is calling und mobilizing for actions. The next step will be November 14th/16th.

Be courageous to fight, be courageous to win.”


What does this mean in specific?

  • · In the view of Blockupy the European General Strike on Nov 14th is an important step towards a joint and border-crossing resistance against the crisis politics in Europe. Despite the fact the big unions in Germany will not go on strike, there will solidarity actions and demonstrations in many cities. Blockupy is calling for these actions and part of the local organising alliances.


  • · The Blockupy activists support the idea of a big joint mobilization of the crisis protests from all European countries and beyond to one venue in spring 2013. This rally could take place in Brussels in March 2013, but equally in any other place, which is decided by the assemblies of the European movements. We are ready to participate in such a European mobilization from Germany.


  • · In addition to it there shall be a big Blockupy action in Frankfurt in 2013, combining again demonstrations and actions of civil disobedience. We know that Frankfurt will not be the central focus for the mobilization of the European movements in spring 2013. Nevertheless we invite activists from all countries to join our actions in order to take the resistance into the heart of the financial metropolis of Frankfurt and to the seat of the ECB. We equally appreciate if activists from many countries call for Blockupy actions in their cities at the same time.


  • · Our hot favorite for the date of Blockupy 2013 in Frankfurt is May 31st / June 1st. Of course this is only a suggestion yet, because it is very important to us that Blockupy is part of a common European agenda of actions and also part of a common strategy of the European movements.

We are open to objections and other proposals from our friends and comrades, because it is our intention to strengthen regional and international alliances. The final decision about the date of Blockupy 2013 is expected for a meeting of active persons in Frankfurt on December 16th.


  • · Blockupy could have a perspective of action even until spring 2014. In March 2014 is expected the opening ceremony of the new building of the ECB in Frankfurt. Many government and capital leaders will come to Frankfurt for this reason. It could be a good challenge to drown the sound of the official speeches of the rich and powerful by the load and clear voice of solidary and resisting Europe from below, which is occupying the streets and squares of Frankfurt.


· We know about the speed and the unpredictability of both the development of the crisis and development of the resisting movements. We are therefore ready to change our plans parallel to the coming events and processes.


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