Azione internazionale in Turchia


4th International Action Programme, 6-16 March 2015, Turkey



Friday March 6,  Nusaybin


9:00                Opening

10:00-12:00     Public Forums

– Democratic Autonomy, Women’s Revolution of Rojava

– Appropriation of Nature and Ecological Struggles


12:00-13:00     Lunch Break

13:00-16:00     Public Forums

–         Jineoloji and All Forms of Violence Against Women

–         Women’s Work


(Visit of a delegation to refugee camp during the day)



Saturday March 7, Nusaybin-Mardin


10:00               Demonstration on the border of Nusaybin, women from both sides will attend

13:00               Depart for Mardin

13:30               Reinventing History: visiting Dara Ruins[1]

18:00               March during sunset as 250 women playing arbane[2] on the roofs

19:30               Concert of the Beliefs Chorus



Sunday March 8, Diyarbakır (Amed)


Depart from Mardin to Diyarbakır

Big March and Public Demonstration in Diyarbakır

Mem and Zin[3] Musical Show



Monday March 9, Diyarbakır (Amed)


Reinventing history: visiting Göbekli Tepe Ruins[4]

Programme of the day not finished yet









Tuesday March 10,  Antakya (Antioch)


War in Syria directly affects daily life of women who felt humiliated by trafficking in girls in refugee camps and are under reactionary siege. Besides international solidarity with women under fundamentalist oppression, we will also meet with women of Gezi movement in Antakya.


Morning           Arrival at Sevgi Resistance Park. Breakfast in tents.

Reinventing history: St. Pierre Church and Mosaic Museum

Afternoon        Public Demonstration for Peace


Evening            Departure


Wednesday March 11, Alanya

                        Programme of the day not finished yet


Thursday March 12,  Antalya


After ruling party took over local administration last year, city has been introduced apartheid policies on women. First women workers of municipality were fired, then beaches were segregated by sex, new regulation for girls to sit backseats in school shuttles. Besides over exploitation of working class women, conservative oppression on artists is on rise.

Morning          Breakfast in Ahmetler Village[5] where peasants in resistance against Hydroelectric Power Plant. Exchange of experience with peasant women.


Afternoon        An open exhibition on “Women’s Daily Life in City” at Cumhuriyet Square

Protest lay off women workers from Metropolitan Municipality and press release of women workers


Reinventing history: guided visit of Kaleiçi (Castle)


Evening            Panel debates on “Women and City”


Friday March 13, Antalya


Morning           Visit to Phaselis, against redevelopment project of antique city


Afternoon        Protest on Women’s Beach

Alyazma Monument


Evening            Parade



Saturday March 14, Muğla


Appropriation of nature and ecological struggle will be main theme,


08:00               Arrival in Dalyan to support struggle against privatisation of Iztuzu Beach, exchange of experiences on ecological struggles

11:00               Departure for Muğla


13:30               Marching to the Square of Borderlessness through old city where welcome is organised.

Nailing WMW plaquet to the Square of Borderlessness symbolising our presence there.


Marching to old bus terminal, a public space which people struggle against construction of shopping mall, a fair will be organised with speaker’s corner and public forum. Vandana Shiva has been invited for this forum.


Dinner all together

Departure for Didim


Sunday March 15, Didim

Programme of morning not finished yet, will be sent later

Afternoon        Reinventing history: visiting Temple of Artemis[6]


Sunday March 15, İzmir


18:00               Arrival in İzmir, bus caravan will be met by a groups of bicycle riding women.

Marching to Gündoğdu Square where concert is organised.

Pitching tents and dinner on the Earth Table (eating together on the ground)

According to weather conditions we will stay in tents or in hotels.


Monday March 16, İzmir


Visits to villages in resistance against destruction of nature.

Yırca village


Tuesday March 17, Thessaloniki



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Sab Gen 24 , 2015
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